The IEO presents the book “The Bolechas: The Oceanographic Center of Vigo” with the winning schools of the “Recycling Aquaculture” scale model contest

“The book has been financed by Xunta de Galicia and will be distributed by all infant and primary schools of Galicia”

Today, Thursday, November 30, coinciding with the Day of Aquaculture and within the framework of the Centenary activities of the Oceanographic Center of Vigo of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO in spanish), the official presentation of the book “The Bolechas: The Oceanographic Center of Vigo” has taken place.

Thursday, November 30, 2017. The Bolechas is a children’s book series in Galician that narrates the adventures of a fictional family created by Pepe Carreiro in 2000, with more than 300 titles and one and a half million copies distributed. On this occasion, on the occasion of the Centenary of the Oceanographic Center of Vigo of the IEO, the Bolechas tell the work of the center in a didactic and playful way aimed at the little ones.

The presentation was made by the author of the book, Pepe Carreiro, who also taught a drawing workshop to the children attending the two winning schools of the “Recycling Aquaculture” scale model contest, Atalaya Cantabria and Nieto Schools, who previously visited the Crop Plant and participated in several workshops.

During the presentation, Victoria Besada, director of the Oceanographic Center of Vigo, and Mercedes Rodríguez Moreda, general director of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Technological Innovation participated.

The book, which has been funded by Xunta de Galicia, will be sent to all schools for children and primary school in Galicia and all public libraries in the province of Pontevedra, a total of more than 900 copies.

In addition, the book is available in pdf format at the following link:

Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence program and by the spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation.