Observing the ocean

Ocean Observation is the pillar on which our progress in marine research rests

Mural sobre observación oceánica

Knowing and understanding the ocean’s influence on us, and our influence on the ocean, is crucial to living and acting sustainably. To do this, we need information about their state, what things compose them and what processes take place in them. This mural represents the variety of techniques, methods and data we use to collect this information about our seas and oceans, i.e. the hydrosphere. Seas and oceans are not isolated entities and, therefore, Ocean Observation also encompasses the other spheres with which they interact: the lithosphere, the atmosphere, the exosphere and, of course, the living beings that inhabit them, i.e., the biosphere. Only by understanding the complex interconnectedness of these elements can we make significant progress in understanding and caring for the oceans and their impact on the global environment.

CIM research staff

The mural was created with the invaluable collaboration of the staff of the CIM and Campus do Mar, who contributed their knowledge and provided the artist with inspiring materials, ensuring that the main lines of research of the CIM were represented. The personnel who collaborated directly with the artist were:


María Aranguren Gassis

Ana Bernabéu Tello

Xurxo Costoya Noguerol

Noelia Estévez Calvar

Diego Fernández Novoa

Rita González Villanueva

Kais Jacob Mohamed Falcón

Castor Muñoz Sobrino

Daniel Rey García

Gabriel Rosón Porto

Delio Rodríguez and CIM

He began to intervene in the public space in the 90s, with the emergence of graffiti in Galicia. This mural is the result of his creative collaboration with CIM research staff who contributed their extensive experience in oceanography and ocean observation. His murals can be found in cities in Galicia, the rest of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Mexico and Ecuador.


Initiative promoted by

Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence program and by the spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation.