Symposium: “From von Humboldt into the Anthropocene” in Halle (Germany)

“From von Humboldt into the Anthropocene”

Alexander von Humboldt and his legacy in modern Earth System

19 – 21 June 2019

Halle (Saale), Germany

This year, 2019, we celebrate Alexander von Humboldt’s 250th birthday. On this occasion a symposium in Germany, at Halle’s Leopoldina – National Academy of Sciences, will present Humboldt’s epoch-making contributions to the Earth Sciences, to Geography and Global Ecology and put them into perspective with new achievements in Earth System Science in the 21st century.

Further information and registration as well as for the program, please visit

Humboldt addressed geobotany, climatology, paleontology, oceanography, stratigraphy, mineralogy, resources and hydrogeology, but also the environmental impact of humans, erosion and climate change. Early on he paved the way for a modern, integrated Earth System Science approach to decipher, characterize and model the different forcing factors and their feedback mechanisms that govern the Earth’s systems. Today, the highly interdisciplinary field of Earth System Science plays a central role in our attempt to understand and cope with those changes in our natural environment that continue to challenge us.

The conference brings together a number of leading European scientists from different disciplines. There are no great costs involved – and Halle is an attractive place to travel to.

We would like to invite all Earth and Environmental Scientists to this symposium and to welcome you in Halle (Saale), Germany.

Proxecto financiado polo Ministerio de Educación no marco do programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional e polo Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade, dentro do Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica.